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Search for children's book. Search results: children : 6781, s : 118089, book : 28102. Results 1-10 of 1949.
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1. New England Dreams: A Novel Based on the Life of Reverend Joseph Hull by Clint Hull
Anglican minister Joseph Hull's 17th-century journey: from Massachusetts to Maine, amidst turmoil, rivalries, and encounters wit
2. [PDF] And My Soul Will Be Healed
... who had affairs with the opera world's greatest male sex- symbol. And My Soul ... By John Joseph Schauer Order the book from the publisher ...s=pdf or from your favorite neighborhood
3. [PDF] Cast Out: Chronicles of a Familiar Spirit
Branca's bloodline is plagued by a Familiar ... Spirit By Ivani Greppi Order the book from the publisher ...s=pdf or from your favorite neighborhood ... many details to enhance the reader's experience. Scripture taken from the
4. Square the Circle: Art Therapy Workbook by Rebecca Bloom
Mindfulness based coloring sheets and art exercises.
5. SHAD ROE by James Randolph Jordan
When his abusive father dies, a son searches for forgiveness
6. THE PAPER BOAT: A novel on the life and works of Percy Bysshe Shelley by Elizabeth McKague
A novel on the life of Percy Bysshe Shelley.
7. [PDF] The Pantheon Party
... Party By Jessica Hart Order the book from the publisher ...s=pdf or from your favorite neighborhood ... betrayed are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously
8. Willow Wood by Laurie Melrose
Adventure, magic, saving the planet - Caitlin does it all!
9. [PDF] The Chess Match: Book Four of Conveyance
... land, and shared profits. At war's end, Yankees wanted to use his success ... they turned on him. The Chess Match: Book Four of Conveyance By Jeff Babb Wil is Order the book from the publisher
10. The Adventures of Frrug: Abouldering We Go! by Shane Cochrane, Illustrations by Ella Gordon
Frugg the Neanderthal human and his friends are taken Bouldering by his Parents Frr and Ug.
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