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Search for children's book. Search results: children : 6781, s : 118089, book : 28102. Results 71-80 of 1949.
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71. Sydney Travels to Florence: A Guide for Kids ? Let?s Go to Italy Series! by Keith Svagerko and Sydney Svagerko
A kid?s travel guide to Florence, Italy; written from a kid?s perspective.
72. When Truth Knocks: A Journey Through Life's Spiritual Fog by Eddie D. Fleming
My book is about my faith journey to Christianity, the struggles I experienced, the misconceptions I embraced, and the truths I
73. TROY'S AMAZING UNIVERSE: T for Toy by S. Kennedy Tosten
Troy, the smallest kid, discovers the world's greatest toy!
74. If These Stones Could Talk - Relics of New England's Intriguing Past by Michael O'Hearn
Exploring stories of unusual facets of New England's past, this book offers tales of lighthouses, caves, disappearing islands, g
75. Bisi?s Wonderful World: Childhood Tales from Nigeria by Morenike Bolujoko
This is a book of short tales that touches on different aspects of life with memories of growing up in Nigeria beautifully told
76. The SKiLL-ionaire in Every Child: Boosting children's socio-emotional skills using the latest in brain research by Marie-Nathali
Increase children and adolescents' socio-emotional abilities using a breakthrough conversational method.
77. MOMENTS OF VICTORY, MOMENTS OF CHANGE: Stories of Perseverance and Quiet Courage by Dorothy Hill Baroch
Moments of Victory, Moments of Change is a collection of life stories, a glimpse into the minds and hearts of individuals and fa
78. Grammy's Goodbye Window by Beverly Van Alstyne Krol, Illustrated by Michele Schweitzer
An endearing story about a grandmother and grandchildren's love and adoration for each other. A special tribute to family tradit
79. TROY'S AMAZING UNIVERSE: M for Mall by S. Kennedy Tosten
A special boy faces his difficult world with undaunted optimism.
80. KALEIDOSCOPE: A Connecticut Boyhood 1942-1955 by Bob Sessions
Growing up during the 40"s & 50's.
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