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Search for anthony genualdi. Search results: anthony : 543, genualdi : 264. Results 1-10 of 23.
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1. The U.S.-Mexican War of 2017, Second Edition by Anthony Genualdi
This is an alternate history of a war fought in 2017 between the U.S. and Mexico.
2. Treason: A Novel - Second Edition by Anthony Genualdi
A U.S. Army colonel gathers officers to overthrow the president.
3. 638 Regiment: A Novel of the Legion Volontaires Francais by Anthony Genualdi
This is the story of Frenchman on the World War II Russian Front.
4. Face to the Sun by Anthony Genualdi
This is the story of a Spanish volunteer for Germany in WWII's Russian Front.
5. Killer Betty: Second Edition by Anthony Genualdi
This is the story a female serial killer.
6. Rig For Silent Running, Second Edition by Anthony Genualdi
A U.S. Navy submarine captain and his crew fight their way across the Pacific in World War II.
7. Four Years in the "Donald Duck" Navy: A True Story by Anthony Genualdi
This is the true story of an American Navy enlisted man in the amphibious forces during the early Cold War era.
8. Jarhead Tanker: A Novel of the Korean War by Anthony Genualdi
This is the story of a Marine officer in the Korean War.
9. The Bombardier, Second Edition by Anthony Genualdi
A Jewish-American officer tries to escape from Nazi Germany in 1943.
10. CODE NAME: MISANTHROPE by Anthony Genualdi
Two American operatives penetrate a secret lab to stop a plot to clone world leaders.
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