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Search for ronald w. hull. Search results: ronald : 481, w : 1676, hull : 469. Results 1-10 of 16.
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1. The Kaleidoscope Effect by Ronald W. Hull
Historically-based SciFi novella of first contact with extraterrestrials.
2. Impolite Stories: Sex, Religion & Politics by Ronald W. Hull
Impolite Stories is Ronald W.Hull's third book of short stories. Eighteen written between 2013-2017. Eclectic: science fiction,
3. Hanging by a Thread by Ronald W. Hull
Ron Hull's autobiography overcoming fifty years of spinal cord disability.
4. IT'S IN THE WATER and Other Stories by Ronald W. Hull
Fifteen short stories: scary, based on truth, fiction and satire.
5. WAR'S END: The End of Terrorism in the 21st Century by Ronald W. Hull
Thriller with novel end to 21st Century terrorism.
6. Alone? by Ronald W. Hull
History of humans becoming extraterrestrial, alone in the near Universe..
7. American Mole: Aryan Nation by Ronald W. Hull
Jason concludes career taking down Aryan militia of John White
8. American Mole: The Vespers by Ronald W. Hull
Jason serves the USA to defeat terrorists from within.
9. American Mole: The Cartel by Ronald W. Hull
Mole infiltrates cartel planning to buy the US presidency.
10. Midcentury Tales: Unfettered Youth by Ronald W. Hull
Follow twins, Roger and Ron, as they grow up exploring through three different locations in North Central Wisconsin, free to roa
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